Keep, And Live

Pursuing a path of study through the Wisdom writings…

7And, since this is my seventh day, I would like to set the number 7 before me with a list of 7 Wisdom Sayings of Solomon, or some such named list that will help us keep our focus pointed in the right direction!

So… Many study the concept of symbols and numbers in the bible and look for symbolic meaning to various items found in scripture. If you ever studied symbols in the bible, or wanted to, here’s a numerology thought about the number 7

Used 735 times (54 times in the book of Revelation alone),
the number 7 is the foundation of God’s word.
If we include with this count how many times
‘sevenfold’ (6) and ‘seventh’ (119) is used,
the total jumps to 860 references.

Seven focuses on the divine idea of God
in a perfect sense.
His Word, His Creation, His day of rest.

In the book of Hebrews, the writer uses seven titles to refer to Christ.
Heir of all things (Hebrews 1:2), Captain of our salvation (2:10),
Apostle'(3:1), Author of salvation (5:9), Forerunner (6:20),
High Priest (10:21) and the Author and finisher of our faith (12:2).

Since there are days to go before the book is ended, I can only say that to date I see the concept of following a path of higher calling. Not something that excludes others and only for the elite, rather, a path that is open to anyone who is willing to walk above the fray.

In the opening salvo of Proverbs, Chapter 7, Solomon asks his son to consider the path way of higher living in terms that are different, unique, allegorical, and practical. In the first five verses he gives us 7 Steps of Wisdom.

  1. Treasure my commands within you, like you would place high value on something kept in the most secret part of your life.
  2. Commands will produce life, especially if the law is as special as the apple of your eye.
  3. Bind them to your fingers so that everything you start to do with your hands, they will constantly remind you of better living.
  4. Write them on the tablets of your heart, so that deep down you will always know them.
  5. “Wisdom, you are my sister”, calling on that special protection and bond that siblings have.
  6. “Understanding, you are my nearest relative”, essentially remember the bond of wisdom as the bond of family.
  7. These words will keep you from the snares of the enemy.

The entire focus of, it seems, is to produce a person walking in wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and far from the temptations of life. What? The remainder of the chapter describes the snares of Satan as the house that contains those of ill repute…

He describes the siren song that draws a young man viewed from his window…

Then closes with the thought that the house of that draws you from your path of God is the “way to hell” and those steps you take are like “descending to the chambers of death”…

Think on it. Selah.

Dire warnings for the missteps of life, it’s true, but the hope of the moment lies in keeping your mind, heart, body and soul ever focused on the wiser paths of living pure in a hopeless world.